Elizabeth and I met when Ruth was bringing the youth kids from Lancaster Pres to Horizon for group. She heard me and the other leaders talking about college group (the bible study we started), and she asked me if her daughter could come because she was our age and she thought we would get along. Elizabeth told me later that she almost turned around when she got to our house with a box of Cheez-its thinking ‘what did my mom get me involved in?!’ I will forever be glad that she didn’t turn around. She blended in so well with us that it was like she was always there.
She and I shared a lot in common, and balanced each other out. She pushed me to do many things (driving, school, credit cards – haha, airplanes) and I think I made her think twice before jumping.
How do you pick one story when there are millions? We were all over the place! Denny’s, Jethawks Stadium, Arizona, GCU, Target, her house, my house, church, VBS, her car, San Diego! I remember being at my aunt’s on Christmas and getting a text from her in all caps saying Franc proposed. I’ve never been more happy for someone in my life. I was extremely honored when she asked me to be in her wedding. There are so many memories and they flood me regularly.
Elizabeth and I hadn’t been around each other for about five years now but she texted me a few months ago. I have a new phone and numbers didn’t transfer, so I had to ask who the person was who sent the text. She said it was her and then in another text said she was sorry for bothering me. I quickly texted back saying she wasn’t, but she didn’t text again. I have wished everyday since that I did.
After she passed I found a box that contained things from her wedding. Extra shower invites, the ugly flower that I cut off of my maid of honor dress, and a short story that I wrote on March 17, 2015. I’m not sure what was happening but this perfectly sums up the friendship that Elizabeth and I had. Each dash was a different page:
-Hello, my name is Lisa. This is my best friend, her name is Elizabeth.
-We have been best friends for a very long time and we have a lot in common.
-We like the same food. We both wear glasses. We listen to the same music. We both have dark hair and brown eyes. We are honest with each other but never mean.
-We are different too.
-I am tall. She is short. Her favorite color is purple, mine is blue.
– My hair is very long, her hair is not.
– But there is one way that my best friend is really different…
– She is an ALIEN!
-SHH! Please don’t tell. No one can know. She will get in trouble is anyone finds out.
-They’ll lock her away and do experiments on her! She is not a bad alien, she is really nice.
-She has cute antennas on her head, and her skin is purple, not tan. Her eyes are purple too! It is so cool!
– We play all day together and have lots of fun.
– This is my best friend. She is an alien, but she is still my friend.
– So as long as you are nice to her, you can play with is too!

Thank you Ruth for knowing we would be good for each other. Thank you Ruth and Ron for always taking me along and being so nice and generous. Thank you Franc for loving her and not getting mad at me when I gave you too many shots at that party…(sorry…) or when I got mad at you. And thank you God for letting me share a part of Elizabeth’s life. I have always looked back on our friendship and remembered the good, and I always will. Thank you for the memories Elizabeth.

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